HEAD Genève X LIAN Foundation

Fiorenzo studied financial economics at LUISS Business School and attended top universities, LSE and IMD. He is an Italian financier and professor in the field of venture capital and blockchain at the Geneva Business School.

Having an entrepreneurial mindset, he founded with his partner, Nessim-Sariel Gaon, an investment firm focused on technology. Acknowledging the gap in regards with the advancements of technology, they both wanted to promote digital education.

LIAN Foundation is born with the purpose to educate and contribute to high social impact initiatives. LIAN Foundation is a platform promoting social cohesions and culture diversity, connecting businesses and charitable entities with the intention to educate and engage people.

Involved for the millennial community, Fiorenzo initiated a collaboration with Head Geneva. LIAN Foundation will be delivering an award as part of the Master Media Design.

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Inter-Faith Dialogue

At the heart of LIAN Foundation’s mission lies the belief in the transformative power of peaceful dialogue for community building. We are committed to promoting social cohesion and religious inclusion by embracing cultural diversity and fostering cooperation.

The foundation provides the necessary resources to establish a framework for combating intolerance, stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to hatred, and violence against individuals based on religion, culture, or belief.

Our goal is to create an environment where acceptance, understanding, and mutual respect flourish, nurturing a society where individuals freely express their unique identities while embracing the richness of others’ backgrounds.

Our initiatives are driven by the vision of building a better tomorrow, where unity and cooperation become the cornerstones of a more compassionate and equitable global community.